Sunday, December 04, 2005


Scott Reid: Alberta Can Blow Me!

Call it a slip of the tonque - or perhaps a slur of the tongue is more like it. In any case, Westerners are bound to consider it proof positive of the federal government's contempt for this part of the country. In the wee hours following the always well-lubricated Parliamentary Press Gallery dinner at Ottawa's Museum of Civilization on Oct. 22, Scott Reid, press secretary for the Prime Minister's Office, announced to Calgary Herald columnist Don Martin, "Alberta can blow me."

Martin and Reid had both retired to the National Press Club after the annual roast, in which partisanship is typically put aside while politicians engage in a bit of self-deprecation. Martin wanted to know when Reid would make good on a vow to arrange an interview with the prime minister, which was originally promised for the spring. When faced with the fairly sensible argument that the PM might want to reach out to an Albertan newspaper audience, Reid spat some unprintable words at Martin before offering the province that other suggestion, as mentioned above. The drunken Reid concluded by shouting at Martin what is apparently a rule in this government's media strategy: "You're not getting anything because you're with the Calgary Herald".

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Via Neale News


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