Frank At IMAO Wants War
An Editorial by Frank J.
I filled up my SUV this weekend, and, after seeing the bill, my immediate reaction was, "Someone must die for this!" After a little thought, I knew who should die: foreigners. Foreigners with oil.
We need a war for oil. - More @ IMAO
Via Pajamas Media
Please delete an anonymous comment June 5/05, it mentions a name. It was done from my computer by a fan of yours under-the-influence and I don't want you, he, or I liable.
Thank you in advance.
Done, where are you from?
Thankyou very much for that favour, I had a nervous day or two.
I am from near Saskatoon, and love your fishing pictures. I know that part of the north (L.A. to Points North, with dusty snack stops in Missinnippe, Brabant Lake & Johnson River). Always fishin', paddlin' and lookin' around. Anyway, your blog is rather famous around here, and again, I thank you.
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